When most people think about a supervillain, they think of someone doing everything to defeat the hero and take over. what most people think about is when the villain win and what they do after words. Megamind explores that concept and shows what happens when the villain wants to be the villain so bad, it makes something worse.

The movie begins with Megamind falling in slow motion from the sky. As he falls for his life flashes before his eyes about how he got here. He starts with a blue baby alien that is about to be launched from his about to be destroyed planet. Before that happens, he is given a pacifier and his protector, Minion. As he launches through space, a baby from the neighboring planet passes right by him on their destination to Earth. As the blue baby was just about to land in a loving home, he was knocked away by the other baby and landed in a prison. As the baby grew, he learned that doing bad things was good. He became very smart as he grew and made inventions of different kinds. When he was old enough for school, he went and got picked on for his looks by the kids and the other child from space. Even when he was trying to be their friend, he was treated as a villain. It was only then when he realized if people treated and saw him as the bad guy, he might as well become the bad guy.
That day sparked the rivalry between the blue child and the other child from space. As they grew to become a superhero and a supervillain, the other child took the name, “Metro Man”, the blue child came up with the name, “Megamind”. Fast forward to when Megamind was in prison and Metro Man has the opening to his own museum, Megamind escape plan is in progress, as he makes Minion kidnap the famous reporter, “Roxanne” and escapes the prison by making a watch that made him turn into the warden. Megamind broadcasts his plan to Metro Man to bait him to come to the abandoned copper observatory. When Metro Man is trapped he is told by Megaman that he will be hit by the full power of the sun but the machine needs to warm up. As Megamind thinks his plan isn’t going to work, Metro Man says he can’t escape because his weakness is copper. The observatory is hit by the beam and as Megamind thinks Metro Man survived and is coming at them, the only thing that remained was his skeleton and his cape. In a moment of pure disbelief by everyone, Megamind realized he truly won.

He begins to spread chaos throughout the city and cause terror to everybody. But a few days later, he became bored and felt a loss of purpose. That night as Megamind goes to the Metro Man museum to wish he was back, Roxanne hears his voice and tries to see who it was. Megamind quickly puts on a disguise and talks to Roxanne. Megamind moves quickly because he planted bombs on the museum and but as he talks to Roxanne, he realized that heroes are not born but are made. This gives Megamind the great idea to make a gun to fuse the DNA of Metro Man to someone that acts like a hero. As he finishes, Roxanne and her cameraman, “Hal” find his secret hideout and Megamind has to do his best to get her out. Roxanne finds the gun and as Megamind tries to take it away from her, the gun goes off and hits Hal. Megamind in his disguise sees Hal’s protectiveness over Roxanne and sees him as hero material. As Megamind heads to Hal’s apartment, Hal’s transforms with Metro Man’s DNA and Megamind pretends to be his space dad. As he sees Hal’s strength, he begins to train him to be a hero and fight him.
As he trains Hal, Megamind in his disguise spends lots of time with Roxanne and they get very close. As Hal finishes his training, Megamind gives him the name, “Tighten”. Soon later, Minion is working on Megamind’s battle suit for his fight with Tighten and Minion finds out that Megamind has a date with Roxanne. Minion tries to make Megamind not go to protect him but Megamind says he doesn’t need his protection. Minion leaves and Megamind gets ready for his date. While that happened, Tighten shows up at Roxanne and forcibly flies her through the city. Tighten did this thinking that Roxanne will love him, now he is like Metro Man. Tighten is in pure disbelief when Roxanne tells him that she doesn’t like him and Tighten flies off. Roxanne after a while shows up for her and Megamind’s date and as they kiss, she learns the truth. She learns that she was actually spending time with Megamind. She storms out and leaves Megamind in the rain. Megamind goes back to his secret lair and prepares to fight Tighten. After calling Tighten out and waiting for him to show up, Megamind goes to Tighten apartment where he sees that Tighten was stealing things because he saw him and Roxanne kiss. Megamind taunts Tighten and makes Tighten angry enough to fight him. As Megamind fights Tighten and is ready to go back to jail, Tighten is out for blood. Megamind escapes and traps Tighten in copper but turns out that copper doesn’t work. Megamind escapes while Tighten begin to take over the city.

Megamind goes to Roxanne for help and she brings him to Metro Man’s hideout. As they enter the hideout, they find out that Metro Man is still alive. Metro Man explains that after many years of fighting Megamind, he got bored. So, Metro Man used his super speed to figure his life. Metro Man knew he can’t just quit, so he had to fake his death. So, he tells Megamind and Roxanne that he can’t help but he knows that Megamind will think of something. Megamind realizes that he can’t stop this and just gives up but Roxanne tries to talk and stop Tighten but she gets captured in the process. Megamind returns to prison and sees that Roxanne is captured by Tighten on the TV. Megamind begs and apologizes to the warden who turns out to be Minion in disguise. Megamind goes to Tighten and distract him long enough to get Roxanne away but Tighten throws a whole building at them. Megamind tosses Roxanne aside to save her but get hurt in the process. Just about when Tighten kicks a bus at Roxanne, Metro Man comes out of nowhere and scares Tighten away. But when Roxanne checks on Megamind, it turns out to be Minion in disguise and Metro Man was Megamind. But Tighten also saw through the ruse and attacked Megamind. Megamind grabs the fusion gun and puts it to defuse but gets launched in the air. As Megamind falls to his death, he realizes he does have to have is story end as a villain and uses a device to shrink him into a cup and land into a fountain nearby. Just before Tighten could attack Roxanne, Megamind falls into water, grows back to normal size, and uses the gun to defuse Hal’s DNA to Metro Man’s. Hal is later put in prison and Megamind is now the new hero of the city with the love of his life, Roxanne.
My thoughts
I loved this movie for every second it was on screen. The animation was so amazing and the script was very fun. The music was such a great thing to listen to and the colors were so expressive to what’s happening in the movie. The reason why I love this movie is its message. The movie’s theme was that you don’t have to be what people see you are. I suggest this movie to everybody and I would give it a 10/10.