The theme for the game night was to wear pink in support of breast cancer awareness month. It was fun to see a different color in the crowd for once in support of something good!
First Quarter:
First score of the game went to Helias, giving them the lead in the first quarter. At 6.55 minutes left, a CC player managed to make it incredibly far across the field, running past multiples of Helias players! What a run!
Helias made a field goal, bringing up their score again. By the end of the first quarter, our football team was not able to make a touchdown, but they fought hard!
HCHS: 10
Second Quarter:
Making another field goal early into the second quarter, Helia’s score rose to 13. During the rest of the quarter, each team fought hard against each other.
The Crusader scored another touchdown, making their score rise once again.
HCHS: 20
Halftime Show:

Dance team came up first, performing a mix of songs.
Next up was band and color guard, performing the routine they did during the CC Vs. JC game called “Whispers in the Dark.”
Third Quarter:
While our team was stuck at 0, they were still fighting hard against our opponents. There were multiple good tackles that went down, with Cap City taking down the Crusaders many times.
Helias managed to slip past our defense, scoring a touchdown. Another touchdown was scored by Helias closer to the end of the third quarter, leaving us to wonder what was going on with our team! Sadly, one of our players fumbled the ball, throwing our game off a little more.
HCHS: 33
Fourth Quarter:
A whole lot of action went on in the first few minutes of the final quarter. All we were hoping for at this point was for at least one touchdown for our team so the night wouldn’t be a complete loss!
The game went on without any scores from both teams. The game finished without our team scoring any points, but we fought the best we could. Helias is quite the difficult competitor, so let’s just hope our football team becomes stronger for us to beat the Crusaders in the future!
HCHS: 33