Families, they can be complex, they can be annoying, and they can be strange. But, they are always there for you when you need it. You might not be related to some people but the bond you hold with them proves they’re family. Some families are loud, some are obsessed with sport, or others are intergalactic war criminals raising the child of their leader. Families can come in all shapes and sizes but at the end of the day, you can’t change them so you have to accept them. Also a pumpkin dog, it’s not important but it is a thing.

The episode begins with Steven knocking on the barn door to spend the night with Peridot and Lapis. However it doesn’t seem like they are in the barn. So Steven looks around for them and sees the farm the Peridot and Lapis made. He notices all the new crops they made and sees Lapis and Peridot tending to them. They get so excited to see Steven and ask him what he thinks of the farm. Peridot tells him that it is just like growing gem soldiers and she can’t wait for the crops to do as she says. Unfortunately, Steven tells her that crops don’t come to life and Peridot asks what’s the point of crops. But then, Steven remembers that he can make plants come to life. Steven finds a pumpkin seed, licks it, and puts it in the ground to grow. The next day, Peridot rushes to show Steven the living pumpkin dog. Peridot and Lapis are happy to see the living pumpkin but it goes directly to Steven. Peridot and Lapis upset but show the other pumpkin they made and Steven shows them how to make a face on the pumpkin. In the process, the pumpkin dog sees this and jumps into Lapis’s arms because it didn’t feel safe around Steven.

Just that moment, a plane flies over the field and lands right next to the barn. A man gets out and gets angry that the barn doesn’t look the same. Peridot and Lapis are confused about who he is and why he is here. Steven calls the other gems and his dad, Greg to come and see who he is. Greg sees the man and realizes that that is cousin Andy. Andy then realizes that Steven is Greg’s son and finds out he’s an uncle. Andy asks who the mother is and Greg tells him Steven’s mother is gone. Greg explains that the gems are her family and lets Peridot and Lapis stay in the barn. But Andy says that the barn belongs to the DeMayo family and Steven finds out his last name was DeMayo. Andy explains that this barn was made for families to come together and eat large meals. So Steven decides to prove the gems are family by having a giant family feast. The gems realize they have to make a good impression and begin to prepare for the feast. Andy gets upset but gems have a plan to turn this around. Andy and Steven cut out the vegetables and Andy starts to come around to gems a little bit. Andy says he has been all around the world and been by himself for a while. Gems come back from the store with a wedding cake, a tombstone, and a boy balloon. They figure if they want to prove they can be human, then they can celebrate human events. Andy finds it funny and starts to accept the gems. Gems start to joke around with each other and have a great time. Andy sees how the gems act like the family his missed and leaves.

Andy gets in his plane and flies off but with Lapis’s help Steven catches up to him. Steven asks why Andy left and he tells Steven that he was the only one that didn’t. In Andy’s life everyone in his family moved away and Andy was left trying to keep the family together. Andy gets more upset and flies higher, so Steven asks Lapis to throw him on the plane. Lapis throws Steven on the plane and with Andy’s skill, Steven is safe. Andy yells at Steven for putting his life in danger because he is some of the only family he has left. But Steven tells Andy that he has a new family now and they won’t leave him. Andy and Steven return to the barn and Andy accepts his new family.
This was an amazing episode of Steven Universe, it really showed what family means to people. This is a topic that most people deal with, having family move away and you being the only one left. But finding a new family to love is just as good as the old one. This time of year, accepting and loving family is the most important thing. I give this episode an 8.7/10.