Christmas, the time of family, fun, and the Christmas spirit. Throwing snow balls, drinking hot chocolate, ice skating, and singing Christmas carols. Although, some people lost that spirit and don’t care about Christmas. That is why they need people to help them show them the true meaning of Christmas.

The movie begins with the storyteller, Papa Elf describing all the jobs that Elves work. They make shoes, make cookies in a tree, or work in Santa’s workshop. Every Christmas, they effortlessly make toys for kids all over the world. Nothing changed until 30 years ago and where the story begins. It was Christmas Eve in the baby section of an orphanage and a small baby was put to bed. Suddenly a Santa drops from the chimney and delivers toys for the babies. However, one of the babies crawled out of the crib and into Santa’s bag of toys. As Santa finished Christmas for this year and prepared for next year, everyone noticed the bag was moving. The baby crawled out of the bag and the elves named him Buddy. Everyone was confused about what they should do with him but Papa Elf decided to take care of Buddy. Buddy went to elf school but because since he was human he grew much faster than the kid elves.
As he grew into an adult, he started working in the workshop. But Buddy can’t work as fast as the elves and begins doubting himself. The other elves tell Buddy what he’s good at but makes him a toy test so the elves can make more toys. As two other elves were talking, Buddy overhears them and finds out he is human and not an elf. Buddy rushes home in disbelief, but Papa Elf sits Buddy down to tell him who his father really is. Buddy finds out his father’s name is Walter who lives in New York City. Buddy gets ready to head to New York and Santa tells Buddy that his Father is on the naughty list. Walter is a greedy and ruthless business man who lost sight of what Christmas means. So Buddy says his goodbyes and heads off to New York to bring the Christmas spirit to his father. Buddy travels through snowy mountains and forests but makes it to New York.

Buddy gets to New York and explores the sights. He soon finds the building his father works at and heads up to see him. Seeing Buddy in elf clothes, they think he is a letter singer. Buddy Tells Walter that he is his father but Walter has him kicked out by security. Buddy then heads to the Mall to buy his father a gift. The manager finds Buddy and thinks he is one of the store employees. The manager gets Buddy to work and Buddy meets Jovie. She doesn’t really like Christmas or singing, but Buddy tries to cheer her up. The intercom announces that Santa is arriving and Jovie leavesĀ saying she will see him tomorrow. Buddy stays after the Mall closes and prepares for Santa. He decorates the store with toys and crafts. At the same time, Walter is eating dinner with his family but has to go to his room to finish some work. He opens an old year book and remembers his late wife.
As Buddy finishes decorating, he hears singing coming from the shower room. It was Jovie singing a Christmas song and Buddy was listening to her voice. Buddy joins in the song but Jovie finds out he’s there and tells him to leave. The next morning, Jovie asks Buddy why he was there but he only came to hear her voice. Soon, Santa arrives but Buddy sees it just a fake Santa. Buddy pulls the beard off and gets into a fight with the fake Santa. Walter bails him out of jail and questions why Buddy knows him. They soon take a DNA test and Walter finds out that Buddy is his son. Walter takes him home to his family and gets him adjusted. Buddy meets his brother Micheal and picks him up from school. They get into a snowball fight with other kids and get along well. They head to the mall, having fun everywhere, and Buddy asks Jovie out on a date. she says yes and Micheal is proud of Buddy. On their date, Jovie and Buddy enjoy food, skating, and share a kiss.
The next day, Walter is in a meeting with a very talented story writer and Buddy storms in the room to tell Walter about his date. Buddy sees the writer and because of his short height, Buddy thinks he is an elf. The writer is offended and leaves, resulting in Walter yelling at Buddy to leave his life. Buddy thinking his father doesn’t want him, runs away and leaves a note.

Micheal gets home, sees the note, and rushes to Walter’s work. As Walter was in a meeting, Micheal opens the door to tell his dad that Buddy is missing. Walter tells Micheal to wait a few minutes but Micheal tells Walter that he only cares about himself. Walter has a change of heart and helps Micheal look for Buddy. Buddy wanders the park but then sees something fall out of the sky. Buddy sees it Santa and rushes to help him get the sleigh working. Micheal and Walter find Buddy in the park and meet Santa in person. Santa tells Buddy that the sleigh is out of the Christmas spirit, so Micheal takes Santa’s book of names and rushes to town square.
Micheal tells what people wanted for Christmas on TV but it wasn’t enough to make the sleigh fly. Jovie and Micheal’s mom head down to help bring the Christmas spirit. Jovie stands tall and starts to sing a Christmas song to the crowd and on live TV. The people in the city begin to join along with the song and help Santa’s sleigh fly. Walter reluctantly sings along as well and it was just enough to make the sleigh fly back to the north pole. A year later, Jovie and Buddy are part of the family and Walter made a best selling children’s book about Buddy’s adventure. Buddy and Jovie always visit Papa Elf with their baby girl named Susie.
Christmas time is the best time to spend with family. Making cookies, singing Christmas carols, Making spaghetti with syrup. Family is the best part of Christmas, so never forget them. I give this movie an 8.7/10.