Family, they can strike a nerve like no other. They can be loud, mean, and treat you like garbage at times. But even in family like that, you can replace them. Something we want them to go away but then we would be all alone. Family is something that may not be ideal at times but they will always care about you. Very much so during the holidays.

The movie begins with everyone moving around the house while a police officer is trying to get one of their attention. Kate McCallister is talking to her sister about how Peter and his brother’s family are coming with them on the trip. Kevin walks in and asked his mom why his Uncle Frank won’t let him watch the movie. He is told that he probably can’t handle it and is told to pack his bag. He freaks out and asks his cousin what he should pack but they don’t help him. Kevin asked his brother Buzz for help but he didn’t. Kevin looks out the window and see an old man shoveling snow, that when Buzz tells him that that old man is a murderer. Later the pizza delivery guy arrives and everyone heads to the kitchen. Peter sees the police officer and he is told that there have been a lot of break in around the holidays. But he is confident that they will be fine and tells the officer about his security systems. Kevin heads to the kitchen and notices that there is no cheese pizza left but he only eats cheese pizza. Buzz tells him that it’s all gone and pretends to puke it back up. Kevin gets mad and tackles Buzz while spilling milk on the plane tickets. Kevin’s mom breaks up the fight and everyone gets up set at Kevin. Kevin’s mom talks to the police officer and remarks that they are going to Paris for the Holidays. She drags Kevin up stairs and Kevin notices that the officer has a gold tooth. Kevin get upstairs and says that everyone treats him like scum. Kevin wishes that he didn’t have any family but is told by his mom that he would be very lonely if he did. Kevin goes to bed and wishes that he didn’t have any family. That night, a storm happened and caused the power line to be out of commission. In the morning, Kate and Peter wake up and realize that they overslept. Everyone rushed out of the house to rush to the Airport. They make it just in time but as they get there, Kate feels uneasy but Peter tells her that everyone is on the plane. But, it turns out that Kevin wasn’t on the plane but at home.

Kevin wakes up and realizes that everyone is gone and gets excited to do whatever he wants. He begins watches to get scared from a movie and calls out for his mom. Kate wakes up from a nap and begins to feel like she forgot something and realizes she forgot Kevin. That night, two bandits scour the area and plan to rob the house of the neighborhood. They head to Kevin’s house but Kevin realizes that someone is getting near his house and turns on the lights. The bandit leaves and Kevin hides from fear. The next morning, Kevin gets ready and heads out to buy a new toothbrush but when he gets there he sees the old man and runs out of the store. As Kevin heads home, he runs into the bandits and Kevin notices that one of them has the same gold tooth as the Cop. Suspicious of Kevin, The bandit tries to follow him home but Kevin hides to throw them off. That night, Kevin sets a distraction for the Bandit and they leave the house alone for the night. As Kevin falls asleep for the night, he realizes that he misses his family and wants them back. Later in the morning, the bandits try to get in the house again but Kevin stops but they are starting to catch on. At the same time, Kevin’s Mom is trying to make it back to him but fails. But a group of performers help her out and help her get back home. Later in the day, the bandits find out that Kevin has been trick them and plan to get into the house at night, which Kevin overheard. Kevin heads to the local church to calm himself and sees the old man once again. But the old man is kind and actually just a guy who wants to be with his family. The man tells Kevin that there is nothing more important than family. With new hope, Kevin plans an attack against the bandits.

Using everything he can find around the house, Kevin makes traps for the bandits. The bandits head to the house and prepare to take everything. As they head to the back, Kevin shoots them with a BB gun. They split up and fall for more of Kevin’s traps. One get hit by an iron and the other has his hand burned by the doorknob. The bandits finally get inside but keep falling for his traps. They catch up with Kevin but with the help of a spider, Kevin gets away. As Kevin tries to get them to chase him again, the bandits catch on and out smart him. As they catch Kevin the old man shows up and knocks them out. The Police show up and arrest them, while Kevin smiles and waves at them. The next morning, Kevin wakes up and expects to see his mom on Christmas but no one was home. As Kevin loses hope of seeing his family again, his mother makes it home and gives his a big hug. As she got there the rest of the family got home and spent Christmas together. Kevin looks out the window and sees the old man be with his family again.
In my opinion
Family is something that is a handful. They are annoying, loud, and just immature at times. But you can’t get rid of them and you can’t replace them. They may be annoying but they care for you all the same. Christmas time is the one time where they mean the most. I give this movie at 10/10. Merry Christmas, you filthy animals and a happy new year.