Responsibility is something that all people have in their life. It can be something that is worked for or something that is thrown at you. No matter what, you have to honor your responsibility. Because, people rely on you for that. You may make mistakes and you might think you are not ready. But when you are, you will be Amazing.
The movie begins with a young Peter Parker, playing hide and seek until he heads to his Dad’s work room. He sees that the room was trashed and calls his dad into the room. His dad in a panic, gets rid of the work on the chalkboard and rushes Peter to his Uncle Ben and Aunt May’s house. They tell Peter that he is going to stay for a while and his parents leave. We cut to the present day, Peter is getting bullied by the athletes and dealing with teens. Peter sees the girl he likes but then sees the local bully, Flash trying to make some kid eat some gross food. Peter tells him to leave him alone and calls him by his first name. Flash punches Peter and Gwen comes in to stop him. In class Peter and Gwen talk, she likes the fact that Peter stood up for someone. Peter heads home and finds a briefcase that belonged to his father. Uncle Ben and Aunt May told Peter that it was nothing. Peter heads to his room and finds secret files in the briefcase. Uncle Ben walks in and tells Peter the man his father used to work with. Peter heads to a internship tour and meet Dr. Curt Conners who is researching cross species genetics. Peter then walks into a genetic lab and goes into the spider part of the lab. Peter leaves and gets bit by a spider. On the train home, Peter gets heightened reflexes, strength, and can stick to surfaces. To figure out what is going on, he heads to Dr. Conners’ house and figures out how to make the gene splicing work. Later that day, Peter heads to the lab and figures out how to splice DNA of a reptile to a mouse. Peter gets home late and Ben tells him that he has responsibilities but Peter gets upset and leaves for a Store. A guy stole money from the cash register and Peter didn’t help stop him. But when Ben tries to stop the guy and gets shot in the process. In his dying moment, Peter heads to his body and cries from the loss of Ben.

The Police give a description of the killer, while Peter becomes angry and devastated. That night, Peter goes out and using the description of the killer, stops anyone that looks like him. But Peter shows his face and gets the wrong guy. Learning from his mistakes, Peter makes a mask and makes web shooters get around and hide his identity. After a few days, Peter makes his Spider-man suit and while taking down a car thief, runs from the police. Peter talks to Gwen and found out that her father, who is chief of police is trying to stop Spider-man. The next day, Dr. Conners tests out the new lizard formula and regrows his arm. However, Dr. Conners begins to mutate into something terrifying. On the bridge, a lizard man is causing chaos and Peter comes to save them. As the Lizard gets away, we Dr. Conners transforms back to human and heads back to his lab. Peter heads to Conner’s lab and found out that he is the Lizard. As Peter tries to get pictures of the Lizard, the Lizard finds out who he is. He heads to Peter’s school and tries to kill Peter. As he gets away after they fight, Peter finds out that the Lizard is trying to mutate the whole city.

While Peter is on his way to stop the Lizard, Gwen is trying to make an antidote for the formula. The police stop Peter and remove his mask, but Peter tells Gwen’s father what the Lizard is doing and he needs to stop him. While the Lizard gets to the lab, Gwen hides and waits for Peter. The Lizard takes that formula away from Gwen and head to the tallest tower. With help from the people, Peter makes it to the tower. Peter fights the Lizard and with help from Gwen’s father gets the antidote and cures the Lizard and the city. But as a result Peter loses Gwen’s father to save the city. In later days, Peter makes friends with flash, gets along with Gwen, and becomes what the people need.

This was a great movie to show the true side of a superhero. Pain, loss, rage, and raw emotion are things that people feel all the time but showing someone like Spider-man feels those things, show how he is just like us. Overcoming those feelings to become a better person, truly makes you amazing. I give this movie a 10/10.