Age sixteen, almost seventeen, Jordan is a Junior at Capital City High School.
Do you have any hobbies?
Cooking, making drinks, and listening to music.
What are some of your interests?
Animal and environment welfare, engineering, and art.
Fun fact:
Although Jordan is mostly quiet at school, he is supposedly energetic around people he knows.
What is your Favorite class?
Cav time.
What has been the toughest part of this school year so far?
Trying to stay happy. Sometimes I want to just lie in my bed for the rest of the year. I still get up, though I regret it. But you just gotta keep moving sometimes.
What has been the best part of your school year?
I made lots of friends this year, and I could really be myself around them. That made me pretty happy.
Any interesting stories to tell?
When I was seven I went to a petting zoo and I was really hungry so my mom got me a pretzel. She left a good two minutes. I was hanging out with a few goats and chickens. I ended up feeding bits of my pretzel to the animals because I don’t really like pretzels.
Is there anything you are excited about this year?
Making a new friend, honestly.
Is there anything you are not excited about this year?
Any breaks because I get lonely. I like being around my friends even though school is annoying.
What’s your favorite TV show?
Regular show on Cartoon Network because it has the realest life lessons. My personality grew from it.
What is your favorite movie?
The Amazing Spider-Man is fairly realistic, in a sense.
Any inspiring quotes?
Don’t change yourself for other people, change yourself for who you want to be.
What are your plans for the rest of the school year?
Get my license, save up for a car, and find a new relationship.