Young love is one of the most complicated things on earth. It’s new, it’s fresh, but it’s also unpredictable. Finding someone that completes you, you want to be with them forever. Being lost in love can shadow what you really need. But you’ll have someone to support you through it.
At the start of the episode, Steven talks to Connie about what she is going to do for her major in college and what she wants to do for the future. They hang up and Steven realizes how far the school Connie wants to go is from him. Seeing this, Steven turns pink and sinks into his bed. He asked for advice from Garnet but Garnet splits and Steven talks to Ruby. He talks about how he only wants to be with Connie but Connie has her future figured out but he doesn’t. Then Steven realizes that Connie is his future. Ruby gets the idea that Steven should propose to Connie. Steven then talks to sapphire to see the chance of proposing to Connie. She tells Steven that proposing to Connie can be anything and the result can even change the future. With reassurance for sapphire, Steven decides to propose to Connie.

Steven gets prepared and surprises Connie with a walk on the beach. They reminisce about how they met and where they first saw each other. In that same spot, Steven sets up a picnic for him and Connie. Connie is at a loss for words and Steven begins to play a song. Steven expresses all the feelings he had for her and tells her that he always wants to be with her. As Connie says the song was beautiful, Steven gets on one knee. Steven asks Connie to marry him and live together. Connie is reluctant but Steven tries to reassure her. Connie tells Steven that she wants to be her own person first. Steven thinks she is saying no but she says it is not now to get married. Connie heads back home to study and Steven collapses on the ground.

He glows pink and sinks into the ground, making a crater. As Steven gets out, he sees Garnet was waiting for him. Steven is confused why it didn’t work but Garnet tells Steven that Connie is his complement not his missing piece. Sapphire and Ruby always want to be together but both have their individual lives. Steven is upset that Garnet makes it look so easy but even as Steven tears up, Garnet is there to comfort him.

In my opinion
Love is one of the most complex things to exist. Some people make it look so easy and others look like they’re made to be together. But that doesn’t mean it will be the same for you. Every relationship is different and has its own milestones. But the reason why they are together is because they spent enough time together to realize they want to be together. What makes a healthy relationship is understanding what you and your partner wants to flourish in that relationship. Even if it might hurt, it’s better to let them be happy, so both of you can be happy. I give this episode a 8.2/10.