Act 1

It starts with them finding out that the Wicked Witch is dead. They see her hat and not her. Glinda flies down in her bubble. The Wicked Witch is dead because of a bucket of water. Glinda talks with the people in the village. Telling them about the Wicked Witch. The Wicked Witch’s mother cheated on her husband and her being green. Her “Dad” said to take it away, talking about the Elpheba. Someone asks Glinda about her being friends with the Wicked Witch. The setting changes to the day that Glinda meets he witch. The witch arrives at school, and everyone is scared of her. She is only there to protect her sister, Nessa. Glinda unexpectedly offers up her room. Elpheba uses her magic and scars everyone. She wants to meet the Wizard, she thinks if she is with the Wizard she won’t be so weird. They are now sharing a bedroom, and they aren’t having fun. One day in class, the professor has a saying on a board, and no one fesses up to the saying. The saying is “animals should be seen, not heard.” Elpheba shares lunch with the professor, he says that there is something wrong in OZ. The animals are forgetting how to speak. There is a prince in town, and Glinda is interested. The prince tries to corrupt the students, and he succeeds by telling them not to do homework. Glinda suggests Nessa to Bock. The prince, Galinda, Nessa, and Bock are dancing at a party, and madame Morrible gives Glinda a wound. She says that Elfeba suggested giving the wound to Glinda, and suddenly Elpheba comes in. People start making fun of her for the hat, and then she starts to dance. Glinad starts to dance with Elpheba elegantly. They are in their bedroom, and Glinda proposes a makeover for Elfeba. She says that Elpheba will become popular if she follows the lead of Glinda. The professor comes into the classroom and announces that he’s not allowed to teach anymore. The security guards take him away. The new teacher walks in with a caged lion that Elpheba protests to let out. Elfeba uses her powers to distract the class, and the prince takes away the Lion and lets it free. The prince and Elpheba go into the woods, and they let the lion go. The prince has feelings for Elpheba, but she isn’t perfect for him like Glinda is. Elpheba finds out that the wizard wants to meet her like in Elphebas’ dreams. Glinda scares off Bock, and Nessa is hurt. Glinda notices that the price is thinking more about the lion. Elpheba wants to invite Glinda to Emerald City. They love the Emerald City and it looks like nothing they have seen before. Elpheba and the Wizard meet, Madame Morrible comes out. They try and convince the witch to prove herself to the wizard. They bring out the Grimery and she reads it. She changes the monkey and makes them have wings. The spell goes wrong, and she changes all of them to have wings. The wizard is behind all of the animals losing their speech, he only brought Elpheba to do the magic because he couldn’t. Elpheba runs away and takes the book. She doesn’t want to follow the roles, a broom appears out of nowhere and Elpheba decides to ride on it. Glinda doesn’t want to go with her. Elpheba flies and defines gravity.
My thoughts?
My favorite part of act 1 is of Glinda and Elpheba just arriving at OZ. I loved how they used green light, the costumes were so good, and the dancing was effortless. The first act is introducing the characters and showing what led up to Dorthy coming in that tornado. It also shows why the Wicked Witch is so mean and why she did what she did.

Act 2
Where will she strick back? The prince speeks out about people calling her wicked, but Glinda proposes to the prince. The prince and Glinda know the truth about Elpheba but won’t leave or speak up about the sayings. The witch appears in a closet and tries to ask her dad for help but she finds out that he’s dead. Nessa is now the governor, she blames the witch for his death. Nessa says to the witch that she didn’t help her to walk and she used her shoes to let her walk. Nessa has stripped the rights of the munchkins. Bock confesses to Nessa for his love to Glinda. Nessa shrinks Bocks heart. Bock is now the Tin Man. Elpheba wants to go back in time to when she still liked the wizard. She wants the wizard to tell the truth. The wizard set all of the monkeys free for Elfeba. When they were freed they also let out the professor and Elpheba was concerned. He can’t talk anymore, she then betrays the wizard and is attacked by the guards including the prince. The prince then lets Elpheba escape, Glinda comes in, and Elpheba and the prince confess their love. He goes with Elpheba and she is unhappy. They think to put the Witch into a trapp. Elpheba feels like her sister is in danger, so she leaves the prince. They plan to meet up at one of the princes castles. A big house hits Munchkin land, Elpheba is mad at Glinda for giving Nessa’s shoe to Dorthy. Glinda and Elpheba fight over the prince, The guards catch Elpheba and the prince appears to save her. They take the prince and he gets changed into a scarecrow because she does want him to die. It feels like she has lost everyone, so she will become wicked. Glinda feels that it has gone too far. People want to kill her now, even though she has done good deeds. Glinda still dose nothing about it even though she finds out that Madame Morrible is behind Nessa’s death. Elpheba takes Dorothy and brings her to the castle. She surrenders because she hears that the prince is dead. Glinda promises to Elfeba that she won’t clear her name. Then the witch dies and Glinda watches. She takes her hat into her hands. Glinda finds Elpheba’s mothers glass in the wizard’s hands. He is Elpheba’s real dad, he starts to cry. The wizard leaves and Madame Morrible is imprisoned thanks to Glinda. The scare crow goes right by a trap door and Elpheba comes out. Elpheba and the scare crow leaves OZ and lives happily ever after, No one knows that the Wicked Witch is still alive.
My Thoughts
I love the twist at the end where Glinda actually is a good person and helps Elpheba. I thought throughout the whole play that Glinda was one of the bad guys but she turned out to be one of the best people. How the wicked witch and the scare crow move away and love each other for who they are, It’s so beautiful.
Over all
Over all I liked the musical, It’s an 8.5/10. I liked it for the good ending, My favorite part of the whole play is when we see the scare crow and the wicked witch seeing each other and going away. I also liked the dancing, lighting, singing, and the costumes. There are some things in the musical that aren’t in the movie.