Inside Scoop: CCHS Book Club with Manveeta Vuppala

Olivia Kucsik

Looking for a new club or opportunity to meet other students? CCHS Library is currently hosting their spring book clubs. Two groups meet separately, on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 8:10. Students can form groups based on books or choose a book that their group of friends are interested. This year, student may keep the book(s) they choose to read. It isn’t too late to join a club, just drop into the library for more information.

Manveeta Vuppala, a freshman, highlights some of the perks of her particular book club, “I have made friends in book club that I would not have otherwise met. It is nice to talk to people with view points differing from my own.” Although this is her first year in book club, she continues to explain, “I wish there weren’t as many COVID restrictions, so that I can hang out in the library more. The library is a safe place, no one is going to judge you there.” A life lesson she has learned in book club is, “to embrace individuality, and that sometimes you need to escape the expectations of your parents.”

Manveeta left us with a quote from The Cresswell Plot by Eliza Wass, the first book her club read. “I learned something then that I think is true, always. People don’t actually care about other people, They don’t. Even if you just listen to people when they’re talking, when they’re trying to have a conversation… One person tells a story about themselves and then the other person does the same thing, and neither of them realizes they’re not even talking to each other they’re just talking to themselves out loud.”

Join book club to promote conversation and have your voice heard.