Beaulieu Captures T.O.Y. Award

Bijou Carrel

One of Capital City’s own, Todd Beaulieu, won the JC Schools’ 2022 Eisinger Teacher of the Year award. In the finals, Todd Beaulieu ran against Nate Brinkley, East Elementary behavior interventionist; David Gale, Jefferson City High School history teacher; Toree Hamilton, Belair Elementary Guidance Counselor; Jordan Hart, Jefferson City High School speech & debate teacher.

Why do you get in to teaching, specifically English ?

“I got into teaching because it was suggested by my wife.  I was not a good student in high school…I was just not motivated.  This continued in college, as well.  I should have taken a year off…found my “purpose” and then attended.  Instead, I went to several colleges hoping that a change of scenery would “inspire” me.  It did not.

So, there I am working a job in the mall when my wife suggests I take an education course.  I did and found it interesting.  Four years later I had my elementary education degree.  I got hired to teach 5th grade.  I would spend 7 years teaching in the elementary world.  I moved into middle school to coach basketball.  I remained there for 7 years.  I was hired to coach high school basketball but needed to get certified, first.  I tried math and failed the test.  I tried English and passed.  Thus, I became an English teacher.  It has been the best thing ever…so fortunate to have failed math.  Since then, I have put a lot of time and effort into “catching up” with the English teachers who actually went through college to teach high schoolers.  I think it has made me a better teacher…learning it along with the students I was teaching.  I appreciate the grind that I have had to encounter.”

What is your favorite thing about teaching?

“I love the interactions with everyone.  I enjoy the co-workers…getting to know them, getting to learn from them, and sharing successes with them.  I really like the students…having an opportunity to teach them, sharing stories with them, finding out about them, and watching the learning process unfold from unknowing to mastering topics!”

Who was your favorite high school teacher and why?

“Mr. Richie…he taught social studies.  This guy was smart and fun.  He allowed us the opportunity to work in groups on engaging projects.  It didn’t even feel like school when I was in his room.  Coach Ziesal…my basketball coach.  This man was a great motivator and was able to get more out of me (as a player and person) than I would have thought was possible.  I like to model (a lot) my methods in a combination of their styles.”

What keeps you motivated and inspired to teach?

“Simply put, I do not like to disappoint anyone…so my motivation is to not let any student down.  I show up every day to do better and be better than I was the day before because (in my mind) I wasn’t good enough.  I want to be the best version of myself…and I haven’t gotten there, yet.  So I wake up each day and get after it.”

What job would you have if you weren’t a teacher?

” I like things that have to do with fitness and I like to help people.  I love when people work hard and try…it is even better when the results show out.”