Extra-Curricular Highlights: Trevor Vogt and Tommy Vick

September 28, 2022
Many students like to busy themselves with the extra-curriculars offered as CC. Whether they are a part of the football team or speech and debate, there is a extra-curricular guaranteed to cater towards every niche and interest. Below is a couple of club highlights displaying the talent and dedication that these students offer to the activity they are a member of.
Trevor Vogt, Junior
What extracurricular are you a part of and how long have you been a member?
“I started tennis in the spring of freshman year, originally I played soccer but I wanted to try something new. After the first couple matches I realized that tennis was really fun and dynamic and although I wasn’t very good at it, I really enjoyed the matches and I wanted to continue playing next year.”
What are some of the key characteristics players have?
“Many of the other tennis players including myself are very confident and driven. Whether you are a game ahead or a game behind points doesn’t matter until the end of the match, and we play to the best of our ability every time.”
What are some takeaways from the experiences you’ve had in tennis?
“The tennis team is very close. I appreciate that everybody is close; it makes for good practices and good games. Winning matches is important to our program but comradery is equally as important, even though you can play solo matches it’s good to be close with all the players on the team so your doubles match goes well. Being familiar with your teammates playstyle and ability can make a huge difference in a match. At this point in time I play varsity and I wouldn’t have gotten here alone, I love my team and I love this sport.”
Tommy Vick, Junior
What club are you a part of at CCHS?
I’m a part of CCHS theatre. I’ve performed in one play so far (Murder on the Orient Express), but am currently cast in the upcoming show, Triangle.
What are some of the positive aspects that have come from being a member of this extracurricular?
Theatre has drastically impacted my experience at CCHS. It helped me develop a new passion for acting and has created a huge sense of companionship. The atmosphere of CCHS theatre is very accepting and encouraging. I had no idea what I was doing when I joined initially, but that wasn’t a problem for anyone. I became close friends with a lot of people who were very impactful in developing my skills, and who encouraged me to express myself and be more confident.
Would you recommend this club to others? What characteristics are good to have?
Overall, it’s been an overwhelmingly positive experience being a part of theatre, and I’d recommend it to anyone who has a passion for acting, or is just interested at all, and needs that extra push to step outside their comfort zone
After taking a look at these students the talent that we have at CCHS can’t be more clear. The strong drive for their passion and the love for what they do not only strengthen the clubs they are a part of, but they also strengthen our community and our school as a whole!