ESports is something that video game lovers aim for when they believe they are ready for the competitive scene. So instead of just giving you a basic club story, what if we told you that the Cavaliers were getting a team of their own? This includes teams for games such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Overwatch 2, League of Legends, and many more, all to show off our top gaming talent to all of Missouri, attending tournaments and such with many large venues to see and play in! There are currently practices held every Tuesday and Thursday, though after attending one myself, I can comfortably say that it feels less like a team and more like a family, with such a welcoming feeling that it draws you in. Now the question that remains for many interested in our ESports team; When will we be facing off against other schools? You can find the details of meets and tournaments all on the MOSEF page, where schedules are posted with a location, game, and the players for each team, or representative player on their own. Now with all that being said, will you cheer on the team that allows you to brag to another school that your own academy can break them when it comes to their favorite video game? Or maybe you’ll join? If so, then see Mrs. Tate in Room 214 for more details, or attend one of our practices on Tuesdays or Thursdays!