Touring the world; Hundreds of known bands and artists are touring the world and expressing their interest in music, so let’s explore something closer to home. Rising from a late-night thought, Gorilla Emergence a soft rock boy band formed consisting of Kaleb Fender, Karch Knipp , and Samuel Guinn while being managed by Jaiden Tobese.
Kaleb Fender is the insane lead guitarist for the songs, spiraling from his urge to make music he dabbles by making instrumentals and coming up with song ideas with his fellow band members. Fender enjoys playing the guitar, learning during COVID-19 when he got bored, taking lessons, and has always enjoyed music with a good guitar. His love for Gorilla Emergence derives from the fact he sees it as his baby as the idea was his, Fender would love to release albums and possibly perform live for people. The band’s biggest fear is that Gorilla Emergence won’t be successful and will flop but they will get somewhere, even if it’s just bettering their own musical careers.
Karch Knipp is the calm-headed bassist for Gorilla Emergence. He wanted to join because his friends were a part and it
sounded like a lot of fun. Karch really enjoys playing bass but doesn’t like how little credit bassists get even if they play amazingly as their lives depend on it, of course, he also acknowledges how bassists aren’t as flashy typically. Karch was quoted saying “Gorilla Emergence is just a good time, I like how laid back it is because we aren’t trying to be the next Kiss or AC/DC we just want to have fun,” with a smile on his face. Originally he had a fear about the band breaking up when they moved for college but they’re all going to be in St. Louis where they will continue to build their discography while living there.
Samual Guinn is the legendary vocalist for Gorilla Emergence. He joined the formation of Gorilla Emergence because it was something cool and fun to do with his buddies. He enjoys the process of writing lyrics but dreads recording them because while his mind is creative he hates having to record the same line 50-plus times till he gets it right. Guinn says that Gorilla Emergence is his pride and joy and would love to be able to play gigs and hopefully release some of their music on Spotify when the first album is complete. “I believe if my band works hard enough anything is possible,” said Samual Guinn when asked if he believed that the band would go anywhere.
Jaiden Tobese the manager of the soft rock band decided to join the formation because they all enjoyed the same music. His goal for the band is to play somewhere nice and hopefully make a lot of money from performing. “It’s got a chance but it will take a lot of hard work and effort for our songs to really make it out there,” Jaiden Tobese said when asked what he thinks the odds of Gorilla Emergence taking off were.
Sadly at the moment, there is no way to listen to Gorilla Emergence’s songs effectively. However if you are truly interested contact Kaleb Fender and he’d be happy to share the few songs that they have made, with many more to come. At the end of the day, the band believes that even in a music scene this big they’ll be able to make it or at least gain some following, if you’d love to show your support for the band please contact Kaleb Fender.