Review: Self-Defense Key Chain

Girls: this one is for you.


Michelle Branson

It’s dark and you’re trying to get to your car, you feel very uneasy and even unsafe. Every small little sound fills you with more and more anxiety so you do one of two things. You go back inside and get someone who you trust to walk you to your car, or you run to your car faster than you’ve ever done before. You’re now successfully in your car, but you wish that you had something to help you feel safe and to give you a little extra boost of defense.

If this sounds familiar then you’ve probably looked into or thought about getting a self defense key chain and if so this is for you.

What comes on the key chain?

A majority of self-defense key chains on the market include both glitz and defense. Accessories often include a pom pom, alarm, flashlight, window breaker, hand sanitizer holder, chap-stick holder, pepper spray, and a whistle.

How do you use everything? 

For the alarm you’ll pull the pin out to make it go off, for the window breaker you’ll hit the point into the corner of the window then punch the shattered glass, for the pepper spray you’ll take it off “safety” and  ensure the nozzle is facing your target and push to spray, the flashlight is used to help you see in the dark, and finally the whistle use it just like a normal whistle.

It is advised that all of the contents of a self-defense key change can seriously hurt someone, so please exercise in handling with caution.

“I personally think it is a great thing to have. Women needs to feel safe especially when alone or in groups, and because keychains are such a convenient thing to carry and have on you. I just believe that it’s a very important thing for girls to have on them.” – Michele Narug, Freshmen

“I’m planning on getting one of the keychains because I think it’s important to stay protected in case you get into a bad situation. Lots of girls have felt scared when walking to their cars or to places, so it’s really important that we stay safe and as protected as we can.” – Holley Hagedorn, Sophomore

“I would get one of the keychains to protect myself in situations that I would feel uncomfortable. Though I feel that people need to be careful, because they can seriously hurt someone or themselves.” – Ella Scheiderer, Sophomore

“I think that self defense keychains are great to have especially being a girl. I personally can’t drive yet, but will for sure own one when I do start just to be safe. It’s more of a necessity especially when you’re alone at night.” – Kendall Stennis, Freshmen