JCSD Adjusts Calendar to End School

Last Minute Change in the CCHS 2020-21 Calendar

JCSD Adjusts Calendar to End School

Katelyn Smith

Up until this morning’s announcement via Dr. Larry Linthacum, the school year was scheduled to end on Thursday, June 3. The school year was extended in part because of the resulting 20-21 snow days.

Today, the Jefferson City School District announced a change to the school’s calendar. The final day of school will now be May 27, 2021. The day is also a scheduled 3-hour Early Release. The Finals schedule will remain the same, and has since moved to the 26th and 27th. Student Chromebooks and Chromebook chargers will now be collected on May 24th during 3rd block. Chromebooks that are late to be turned in will result in a fine.

Enjoy the extra time off Cavs!

Official Twitter Announcement With Superintendent Linthacum’s Statement Attached