The CCHS Librarians


Rylea Sanning

Why would someone want to work in a quiet room full of books? Well our librarians at CCHS say they were attracted to becoming librarians because they like to work with students, unfold all the ideas in the books, and help students find new books and ideas they like.

Getting teenagers motivated to read isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Our library offers many different ways to get us as students motivated to read here at CCHS. For Example, we are able to participate in the statewide Gateway Reading Program. This program offers students 15 different chapter books to read and explore. Our librarians are also always ready to help us find books with our same interest or books we can relate to personally.

Though many think reading can be boring, it just takes the right book to get hooked. Ms. Schweitzer or “Ms. Patty” says she gets motivated to pick up a book because of the ideas she uncovers and the places her imagination gets to visit that she cant visit in real life. 

Fun Facts

The library isn’t just to read it’s also a good place to just relax and explore your different interest.

Ms. Patty is assisted by Mrs. Schenewerk! She and Ms. Patty do a great job running the library media center.

A big problem school libraries face are lost or unreturned books. Public libraries take a national loss of 6.28 million items. At our school did you know we spend almost $800-$1000 in damage and stolen books. So take care of books when you use them but try to visit the library at least once a week it could end up helping you a lot.