Personal Hobby Feature: Fishing with Mr. Lindquist

Bryce Ritchey

Mr. Lindquist is a teacher at Capital City High School and teaches a variety of business classes. However, when he is not at school, one of the things that Mr. Lindquist likes to do the most is fishing.

Mr. Lindquist has been fishing since he was around 5 or 6 years old. He said, “Fishing helps me take my mind off stress and worries. It’s a way to escape the world and enjoy nature and what God created for us.”

That being said, Mr. Lindquist said fishing can be a lot of work. Sometimes he has to walk through creeks, spool his own reels, learn how to tie different knots and learn how to present baits and different colored baits depending on the water conditions.  “Sometimes you can spend hours and not catch a single fish.”

And while it is certainly activity that provides a lot of peace, he mentioned that he always likes to include his wife and kids. “I actually want to make a YouTube channel with my son. We are going to be learning and teaching people how to make lures using 3D printers and injectable plastics, and even airbrushing techniques for painting certain baits.” He plans on making it educational and funny, so kids can learn everything from making lures, casting techniques and understanding water conditions when targeting certain fish.

With summer not too far off, he plans to hit the waters soon and fish with his kids.