Transformers One is a fictional movie coming out September 20th of this year about the origin story set on the planet Cybertron. It centers around the history of the Transformers race and the relationship between two Cybertronian workers named Orion Pax and D-16 as they go from brothers-in-arms to archenemies as Optimus Prime and Megatron. They were Miners on the planet, Cybertron, a planet that may be light-years away from our planet, and they can’t transform other cybertronians. This is because Miners don’t have T-cogs.
T-cogs are the main cause for cybertronian transformation. T-cogs allow the holder to transform into the vehicle mode they have chosen. Cybertronians have vehicle modes that can be used for either speed, flight, defense or offense.
Orion Pax and D-16 meet other miners who can’t transform like Elita 1 and B-127, or as we call him Bumblebee,so D-16 decided they call him Bee. Miners worked in caverns, drilling to find Energon, the main resource of cybertronians, and other resources.
My personal opinion is that this movie shows 5 things, Comedy, Action, Danger, Betrayal, and Excitement. I like the characters, especially B-127/Bumblebee. When we were first introduced to him, he was energetic to meet Orion and D-16, he introduced himself, and he said he was working on a nickname, like “Bad*ssatron,” But he wanted to them to pronounce it like, “Bad*sstronnnnnnnn.” And when he said that, I died laughing.
Voice cast: Chris Hemsworth as Orion/Optimus, Brian Tyree Henry as D-16/Megatron, Scarlett Johansson as Elita 1, Keegan Michael Key as B-127/Bumblebee, Steve Buscemi as Starscream, Jon Hamm as Sentinel Prime, and Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Trion.
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