There are an estimated more or less than 2,950,000 types of candy in the world which is insane. Not to mention, the value of the global candy market around the world is a whopping $239.09 BILLION!!! By 2028, the value is said to rise to $290.91 billion. (Which is an annual growth rate of about 4%!)
The highest money-making candy country in the world is, not surprisingly, America at $186.79 billion. Japan follows close behind America at $173.39 billion! That being said, Germany has the highest consumption of candy per person. (A 2023 study.)
Speaking of candy, Hershey, a candy brand, owns a SIGNIFICANT amount of candies we eat in our lives. They own Zagnut, York, Zero, Whoppers, Whatchamacallit, Twizzlers, Symphony, Skor, SkinnyPop Popcorn, Rolo, Reese’s, Pirate’s Booty, Payday, One Brands, Mr. Goodbar, Mounds, Milk Duds, Lily’s, Kit Kat, Jolly Rancher, Ice Breakers, Honest Organic Gummies, Hershey’s Kisses, Hershey’s Chocolate, Heath Bars, Good & Plenty, Fulfill Vitamin & Protein Bar, Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels, Cadbury, Bubble Yum, Brookside, Breath Savers, barkTHINS, Almond Joy, and 5th Avenue. THAT’S A LOT, I KNOW.
Now onto the main part of this article… THE TOP 5 CANDIES OF ALL TIME!!! Starting with……
5.) Sour Patch Kids – 
Sour Patch Kids are good, but I have to be in the right mood to enjoy them. Even so, Sour Patch Kids are sour little candies that pack a sour punch once you first eat them, but the sourness isn’t unbearable, unlike certain candies. After chewing for a bit, they turn sweet just like their motto, “Sour. Sweet. Gone” or “Sour Then Sweet.” They’re very tangy and are always fun to look at since they’re shaped like little characters. Many different types of Sour Patch Kids are sold, such as peach, grape, watermelon, Extreme, tropical, Sour Patch Kid cereal, bites, cola, Max, etc! Even with the large selection of different types, I like to stick to the original Sour Patch Kids.
4.) Sweet Tarts Ropes –
When I go to the movie theaters, they always sell Sweet Tarts Ropes and I always love buying them. The Sweet Tarts Ropes come in a few different flavors, including green apple, watermelon berry collision, twisted mixed berry, twisted rainbow punch, cherry punch, and tangy strawberry. That being said, the usual flavor you’d see in stores is the cherry punch, which is the number one flavor I always pick. I don’t tend to see a lot of people eating Sweet Tarts Ropes, but just know, THEY’RE GOOD. They’re not tangy, sour, or anything crazy, they’re just a delicious sweetness that’s so easy to get addicted to. They’re not too chewy, and they’re simply good.
3.) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups –
Similarly to Sour Patch Kids, I have to be in the right mood for Reese’s, but they’re so good. I also enjoy peanut butter, which is sorta why Reese’s is one of the best candies to me. The peanut inside one of these has a bit of sweetness and saltiness which is just the perfect combination to have with chocolate. They’re a perfect choice for Halloween candy, and simply a classic candy to choose from. Just like the rest of the candies, I always prefer the original, but Reese’s offers white chocolate peanut butter cups, minis, dark chocolate, crispy crunchy bars, “nutrageous” bars, popped snack mix, BIG cups, Reese’s pieces, sugar-free, dipped pretzels, Reese’s peanut butter cups with potato chips in then, and there are PLENTY more different types of Reese’s. Reese’s sells a lot of seasonal peanut butter cups, like Halloween pumpkin ones, heart ones for Valentine’s Day, eggs for Easter, etc.
2.) Snickers –
Being the number 1 sold candy bar in the world, Snickers is an astounding candy bar classic, containing nougat, caramel, and peanuts. There’s a perfect amount of each of these ingredients, leaving you satisfied after eating. There’s just the right amount of chewy texture, the crunchy nuts really bring out the caramel flavor, and they’re overall delicious. The reason most people like them is because of these many flavor elements. I didn’t know most of these other types of Snickers, but apparently, there are Snickers Almond, hazelnut, peanut butter, snickers white, protein bars, brownies, “Snickers Rockin’ Nut Road”, and dark chocolate. I have not tried any of these different Snickers, but it’s safe to say the original Snickers is on top!
1.) KitKat –
Believe it or not, but there are 300+ flavors of KitKats! In fact, Japan created over 200 of those flavors. You have flavors such as lemon crisp, raspberry creme, white chocolate, dark chocolate, matcha, chocolate frosted donuts, pumpkin pie, mint, churro, birthday cake, mocha, blueberry muffin, key lime pie, and the flavors keep going and going! Of course, my favorites are simply the plain ones, original milk chocolate and white chocolate. I did try the matcha-flavored KitKats (Japan made this flavor) and they were really good too! (Matcha is green tea in case you didn’t know.) Anyways, KitKats have the perfect crunch, the wafers within the chocolate coating are delicious, and I always loved how you can snap a KitKat bar and share it with people! I find myself looking for KitKats first after going Trick-Or-Treating, that’s how much I love them.
Honorable mentions –
Starbursts – I know a lot of us will agree with the fact the red and pink Starbursts are the best out of all of the flavors. No doubt about it. While I enjoy the other flavors as well, I always find myself wanting a pink or red Starburst when I’m opening a package of them. I’ve enjoyed them since I was little and still do to this day. I like chewy candies, but Starbursts feel a bit too chewy for my liking. There are a lot of different types of Starbursts. There’s tropical, sour, watermelon, very berry, superfruit, summer blast, minis, starbursts air, and plenty more types. Just like Sour Patch Kids, I prefer sticking with the original.
Twix – Twix chocolate bars are enjoyable crunchy chocolate bars that I don’t hear a lot of people talk about for some reason. While they’re not on my top 5, they deserve some attention. As a person who enjoys good crunchiness, Twix bars have an amazing crunch and a little layer of caramel that works well with the flavors. I haven’t eaten any Twix bars other than the original, but there’s cookie dough, salted caramel, cookies & creme, and they have ice cream.