While reading Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Ms. Patzwald’s English 1 Class was inspired to create their own Countries and Commandments which resulted in various creative ideas based on Animal Farm. The dystopian novel challenges authoritarian dictatorships following World War II by using animals uprising against their human masters.
At the end of the project, the students had created different interpretations of which things were more important than others. Some, were funny such as Burgerland, while others took a more important approach such as Florandes, in which the student described discrimination, free speech, and the protection of animals and the environment.
Animal Farm influences young readers to really understand authoritarian rule, with the use of animals. And human impact on the environment.
Here are some of the countries and commandments the students made:
In 2nd hour we have: Rainbow City and Coffeyville.
Coffeyville, Coffey City
Population 200,001 | National Food: Chicken Tenders
- All feminine products are free
- Everyone has to be kind
- No killing anyone
- No cheating on people
- You need to respect your family
- No taxes
- Everyone has a job
Rainbow City, Unicorn City
Population 5,000 | National Food: Rainbow Beans
- Always have to eat Rainbow beans
- Have to be nice to everyone you know
- Have to wear Rainbow
- You need to wear a Rainbow hat
- You have to follow all the rules
- If you do something wrong you get jail time
- You should have at least one Rainbow idea in your house
In 4th hour we have: Newer York and Florandes
Newer York, Old Yorkshire 
Population 178,000 | National Food: Mac and Cheese
- Always have Mac and cheese for lunch and dinner
- Three-toed sloths must be quickly eliminated
- We have cowboy caviar on Sundays
- Never mention “New” York
- Newer York is best York
- Cats must be given belly rubs every time they enter 5 feet of you
- All households must own a cat
Florandes, Acocotli
Population 127 million | National Food: Quesadilla
- No Florandes citizen shall be discriminated against on the basis of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, color, sexuality, or age.
- Florandes citizens are not to harm innocent creatures unless they are to eat it, and if so, it shall be done humanely
- Florandes citizens are to protect the natural vegetation and do their part in protecting the environment
- Florandes citizens are not to be condemned for free speech
- Florandians shall not murder
- Florandians shall not steal
- All Florandians citizens are equal
In 6th hour we have: Burgerland and Rominica
Burgerland, Pickleville
Population 15 | National Food: Burgers
- Only Eat Burgers
- If you touch a hot dog you’re banished
- No killing
- No stealing
- Must obey the president
- Must know how to read and write
- Follow laws
Rominica, Chem City
Population 4.4 million | National Food: Hot dog
- Everyone must be kind and respectful to other people
- You should never kill anyone
- Do not steal
- Everyone has access to home, food, and water
- Everyone has health care
- Schools should always have free lunch for everyone
- You should not have to go to school every single day if you have good grades